Abena Hawa’s journey from being a teenage mother and school dropout to becoming a facilitator empowering other young girls is truly inspiring. Her story reflects the transformative impact of programs like the Adolescent Girls Programme funded by UNFPA and Canada in empowering marginalized youth.
Initially, Abena Hawa learned about the PAYDP programme through a friend who recognized its focus on addressing the challenges faced by teenage mothers and school dropouts. This highlights the importance of peer support and word-of-mouth in reaching vulnerable communities who stand to benefit from such initiatives.
Upon joining the program, Abena Hawa gained valuable knowledge and skills that were crucial for her personal development and empowerment. She received education on personal hygiene, adolescent health, and rights, which are fundamental for the well-being and autonomy of young women like herself through the Yole Girls Club (Young Leaders).
Additionally, the program equipped her with public speaking abilities and confidence, essential tools for advocating for oneself and others in various settings. One of the most impactful aspects of the program was the livelihood empowerment skills which provided the acquisition of new skills. This not only broadened Abena Hawa’s horizons but also equipped her with practical tools to secure a sustainable livelihood. By learning a trade, she gained independence and the ability to support herself financially, breaking the cycle of dependency and vulnerability.
However, Abena Hawa’s journey didn’t stop at personal transformation. She has now taken on the role of a facilitator, passing on valuable information to her peers. By encouraging other young girls to pursue education or learn a skill, she is actively contributing to breaking down barriers and empowering them to realize their full potential. Her dedication to empowering others underscores the ripple effect of initiatives like the PAYDP programme, creating a cycle of empowerment and positive change within communities.
Abena Hawa said “Through PAYDP, I have been able to reach out to the young girls and educate them on Sexual Reproductive Health”.
In summary, Abena Hawa’s story is a testament to the power of empowerment programs in transforming lives and breaking the cycle of poverty and marginalization. Through her journey from vulnerability to empowerment, she not only transformed her own life but also became a beacon of hope and inspiration for others facing similar challenges.